
How to uninstall microsoft edge 2018
How to uninstall microsoft edge 2018

how to uninstall microsoft edge 2018

Unfortunately, maybe because of that reason users are still unwilling to exchange the beloved Google Chrome or another browser for MS Edge. With MS Edge release, Microsoft managed to patch a variety of problems and tried to fix its browser's reputation. Indeed, MS Edge came as an immense improvement over Internet Explorer, as the latter proved to be a complete disaster to users – it was slow, full of vulnerabilities, had no support for any type of extensions and had tons of other problems that led to birch of countless memes and ensured a worldwide dislike for the browser. Developers had huge ambitions to become a competitor for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. It was introduced for the first time as a default browser on Windows 10. Microsoft Edge is an in-built web browser that is supposed to replace Internet Explorer. To uninstall these files, you have to purchase licensed version of Reimage Reimage uninstall software.

How to uninstall microsoft edge 2018